About us


Welcome to our website!  We, the Endless Knot Community, are a network of families around the world that share common inspiration and imagination that connect us to the world around us.  Our inspiration comes from our deep-rooted faith in Jesus Christ, who is our way, our truth, and our life.  This faith, in turn, shapes our imagination for how the world around us can grow in strength and beauty.


We love small things.  There is strength and beauty in them; small, unnoticed, and unseen things keep the world as we know it together and grow it day by day.  Similarly, in the history of mankind, small people have made some of the largest and most anonymous impact on the world. We stand in a long and proud heritage of these “small” way-followers who deeply connected personal faith with community involvement.  Rather than a pie-in-the-sky religion that retracts itself from the rest of the world, our spirituality encourages us to love and engage the community around us: to build, to serve, to educate, to cultivate, and to grow. We form schools; we start businesses; we cultivate the arts in our cities; we plant and grow gardens; we assist with employment; we curb delinquency.  Our city is our “parish,” and the more peace and prosperity its inhabitants experience, the greater the confirmation that we are living out our faith and spirituality well.  This beautification of the world around us and the tangible blessing of its inhabitants is the goal — not Christian empire, a Mega congregation, or an internationally famous brand.  None of this is “new;” in fact, it’s quite old and quite common.  It’s seen from the beginning and throughout history as followers of Jesus take his call to love God and others seriously and give over all of life to His leading.


Given our commitments, the Celtic Endless Knot is part of our name and logo; it appropriately signifies the  vibrancy and interconnectedness that we feel are a part of our faith and relationships, whether in Globe, Arizona or anywhere else on the globe.  We organically merge the sacred with all things “secular” and seek to bring life and vitality everywhere we go — without pomp and circumstance.  Who we are, what we believe, what we value, what we do — these are all interconnected and lived out 24/7.  This reality is depicted by Celtic way-followers of old (like Patrick, Columba, Aidan, and Finnian) through their life work and in their art work (manuscripts like The Book of Kells).   We seek to stand in the same interconnected stream that crosses borders of time and culture as we become disciples who are different enough to make a difference in a world that is rapidly losing hope.

Click here for Community ExpressionsCommunity Values, and Community Beliefs.





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